

As passionate mountain sports enthusiasts, it is important to us that we preserve the nature in which we move. For this reason, we would also like to make a contribution to sustainable mountain sports with our mountain sports shop.



Donating our tip income


We donate all tip income to environmental projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on the community and the environment. We firmly believe that we can achieve a greater impact through collective efforts.

This year we are donating the collected proceeds to the "Wald & Klima Ursern" association.

The "Wald & Klima Ursern" association is committed to the reforestation of the under-forested high valley. Its aim is to enhance the landscape, contribute to a CO2 neutral society and raise awareness.

More information about the association and the project can be found on the website of "Wald & Klima Ursern".




„It is cheaper to protect the planet now than to fix it later.“ 
(José Manuel Barroso)


Kleiderspende für Nepal

Die Mode verändert sich ständig und so ist es nicht möglich, alle Kleidungsstücke zu verkaufen. Statt diese Kleidung ungenutzt zu lassen, möchten wir sie einem sinnvollen Zweck zuführen. Unsere nichtverkauften, aber immer noch qualitativ hochwertigen Kleidungsstücke geben wir nach Nepal, um bedürftigen Menschen in entlegenen Gebieten zu helfen.




As consumers, we have so much power to change the world if we just pay attention to what we buy.“ 



When selecting our products, we increasingly try to work with brands that pay special attention to sustainability. In addition to production, we also pay attention to the quality and durability of the products.

In addition to well-known mountain sports brands such as Patagonia or Chillaz, which have been focusing on the sustainability of their products for a long time, we also work with small, innovative brands. For example, we have had the "NEWSEED" brand in our range for some time now. NEWSEED recycles used climbing ropes and creates new stylish accessories from them.


Products by NEWSEED